Curriculum Vitae summary of the core group and associates of SA Biodiesel (Pty) Ltd
F.J.C. HUGO Pr. Eng. Frans
Academic qualifications: B.Sc. and B.Eng. (Agricultural Engineering), University of Stellenbosch.
M.Sc.Eng (cum laude), University of Natal.
Professional membership: Registered as a Professional Engineer at the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA).
Fellow of the SA Institute of Agricultural Engineering (SAIAE) (Former President).
1979 Silver medal: SA Institute of Agricultural Engineers.
1981 Agricultural Writer of the Year.
1981 Agriculturalist of the Year.
1982 Merit recognition: Reitz Districts Farmers Union.
1983 Gold medal: SA Institute of Agricultural Engineers.
Last position held: Vice President, Agricultural Research Council of South Africa.
Current position: Director SA Biodiesel (Pty) Ltd.
- Sixteen years Managing Director SA Biodiesel (Pty) Ltd involved in the refinement of biodiesel technology, agricultural engineering consulting and the compilation feasibility studies for biodiesel plants and large integrated agricultural development projects.
- Six years' experience in corporate management as Chief Director in the Department of Agriculture and Vice President of the Agricultural Research Council.
- Leader of the research team on bio-diesel and thirty-five years’ experience in agricultural machinery, irrigation, and soil conservation, covering the whole of South Africa and many SADC countries.
A. A. LOUW Pr. Eng. Adriaan
Academic qualifications: BSc. Eng. (Agric), University of Pretoria.
Short Courses: Program in Project Management: University of Stellenbosch.
ARC Top Management Course: UNISA Graduate School of Business.
Hygienic Design of Food Processing Plants: Andrew Murray Consulting and Yotech CC 2004.
SABI Advanced Irrigation Design Course: Optimising Irrigation Systems from an Energy Perspective 2012.
Profession: Registered Professional Engineer.
Last position held: Director: ARC-Institute for Agricultural Engineering.
Current position: Director: SA Biodiesel (Pty) Ltd.
Professional membership:
Registered as a Professional Engineer at the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA).
Fellow of the SA Institute of Agricultural Engineering (SAIAE) (Former President) Member of the South African Irrigation Institute (SAII).
- Eleven years Director of SA Biodiesel (Pty) Ltd involved in agricultural engineering consulting, including the design of irrigation system and the compilation of feasibility studies for biodiesel plants and large integrated agricultural development projects.
- Ten years' experience in Agricultural Engineering research and management as director of the Agricultural Research Council Institute for Agricultural Engineering.
- Fourteen years’ years involved in the Department of Agriculture with irrigation research, hydrology studies, planning and design of dams, irrigation developments and soil conservation works for farmers and irrigation boards. As director of the Directorate Irrigation Engineering the responsibilities included the institutional control over irrigation boards, recommendations and approvals of loans and subsidies for irrigation works.
- Research team member for bio-diesel in South Africa.
- Agricultural engineering in rural development in Gazankulu.
Dr. LM du PLESSIS Prof. Natural Scientist Lourens
Academic qualifications: D.Sc. in Plant Biochemistry.
Awards: CSIR Merit Award for the development of alternative industrial frying oils.
ARC Top Management Course,. UNISA Graduate School of Business Leadership.
- In 2005, he became a partner in SA Biodiesel (Pty) Ltd. He provides expert bio-chemistry advice to SA Biodiesel (Pty) Ltd. and helps in the design of the chemical quality control measures for the bio-diesel process.
- Forty years experience in plant oil chemistry and related technology.
- During the development of bio-diesel technology in South Africa he was a member of the research team. He played a crucial role in the utilisation of the trans-esterification process as a first step in the manufacturing of bio-diesel and subsequently provided guidance to the engineers in the further refinement of the material to fuel standards.
Prof W M J HUGO Willem
Academic qualifications: BCom- UNISA
BCom (Hons) – UNISA
MCom(cum laude) –UNISA
DCom – UNISA, with a thesis on the evaluation of the purchasing function in statutory research institutions
Last position held:- Executive Director , UNISA Post Graduate School For Business Leadership
- International consultant for ITC ( UNCTAD/OMC)
- Director of IPCP-PSCM training programme of ITC( UNCTAD/OMC)
- Lecturer in Supply Chain Management (MBA 2) Post Graduate School of Management, University of Pretoria (contract appointment)
Specific areas of interest: Director: SA Biodiesel (Pty) Ltd.
Logistics management, materials management and purchasing management.
Performance evaluation of management activities.
Strategy and strategic management.
Quality and quality promotion.
Management of tertiary institutions, academic departments and informal training activities.
Training curriculum development.
Dr. W K A LOUW Werner
Academic qualifications: B.Sc. (Agric) (Biochemistry & Chemistry), University of Pretoria.
M.Sc. (Agric) (Biochemistry & Honns. Organic Chemistry), University of Pretoria.
Ph.D. (Biochemistry), University of Port Elizabeth.
Last position held: South African Nuclear Energy Corporation Ltd. (retired), Chief Scientist, Isotope Production & Radiochemistry
University of Pretoria; Temporary-part-time lecturer, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences
- Research on isolation and characterization of mycotoxins, phytotoxins and Radiation Biochemistry, as well as research, development and production of diagnostic and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals, including 97 scientific publications, chapters in books and congress presentations.
- Analysis of pharmaceuticals, foods and waters.
- University student training.
Academic qualifications: BSc(Agric): University of Stellenbosch. Majored in Sheep and Wool Sciences and Animal Physiology.
Honours BSc(Agric): University of Stellenbosch. Majored in Animal Physiology.
MSc(Agric): University of Stellenbosch
PhD: University of Port Elizabeth.
Short Courses: Program in Project Management: University of Stellenbosch.
ARC Top Management Course: UNISA Graduate School of Business Leadership.
Silver medal for research, South African Society of Animal Science (SASAS) 1981.
Gold medal for exceptional services rendered in furtherance of Animal Science, (SASAS) 2004.
Northern Region Agriculturist of the Year, Agricultural Writers’ Association, 2003.
National Agriculturist of the Year, Agricultural Writers’ Association, 2003.
Last position held: Team Leader: Nutrition and Food Science, ARC-LBD: Animal Production, Irene
Director of the Agricultural Research Council Animal Nutrition and ProductsInstitute, Irene (ARC-ANPI)
Scientific society involvement: Member of various National and International Scientific Societies.
- Three years consulting in the field of animal production.
- Strategic management with initiating the development of the National Value-adding and Processing Programme of the Agricultural Research Council.
- Research and academic career include 175 scientific publications, chapters and published addresses mostly on ruminant nutrition, emphasizing growth, feed and pasture utilization, feedlots, nutritional physiology of game animals and dairy cow nutrition.
- University training of students on herbivore and human nutrition as professor in animal nutrition.
- Technical adviser specializing in animal nutrition and management of feedlots.
Dr. G.J. du TOIT, Pr. Sci.Nat. Gawie
Academic qualifications: BSc (agric) University of Pretoria.
MSc (Agric) University of Pretoria.
DSc (Agric) University of Pretoria.
Higher Education Diploma (University of South Africa).
Awarded by the Agricultural Writers’ Association of South Africa as the TRANSVAAL AGRICULTURALIST 1981.
- Currently involved in consultancies regarding soil fertility, soil remediation, water pollution and related matters.
- Own farming operation and ad hoc consultancies on conservative / realistic and sustainable cultivation of maize, soybeans, dry beans, wheat and grain sorghum.
- Senior Soil Scientist and Assistant Director in the Department of Agriculture, Nooitgedacht Research Station (Ermelo) where he demonstrated realistic liming and conservative fertilization approach to achieve economic yields through annual farmer days reaching in excess of 1 000 farmers annually.
- Science Teacher Ermelo High School.
- Soil Scientist at Fisons Fertilizer and the Institute Tropical and Subtropical Crops in Nelspruit.
Gert J Jansen van Vuuren.
GC Meganies CC
Academic qualifications: Matric Merensky Agricultural High School.
N3 Witbank Technical College:
Mathematics, Science, Workshop management (distinction), Industrial Organisation and Planning (distinction).
In-house training:
- Started for three years as mechanical trainee at John Deere in Polokwane.
- Four years as farm manager at Stutterheim on a 500 ha farm in the Eastern Cape and involved with water reticulation on the Makathini flats KwaZulu Natal as employee of the Department of Development Aid.
- Seven years as mechanic at Mercedes Benz, Elwierda Bus Services and ZZ2 Farming.
- Farm manager (technical)l for four years at Jan Vos Estate and Aldrie Boerdery.
- Doing mechanical services for harvesting contractors in Australia for two years.
- Farm manager at Karel du Plessis for one year.
- Own farming operation for three years producing vegetables for Pick n Pay and Fresh Market.
- Operating own businesses (GC Meganies CC) for 12 years until now, focusing on mechanisation and irrigation services and installations.